Asbestos Removal
and Remediation Services
If asbestos is suspected on the property, do not touch or attempt to remove it on your own. Asbestos removal can be executed safely by our team through a remediation process.
If asbestos is suspected on the property, do not touch or attempt to remove it on your own. Asbestos removal can be executed safely by our team through a remediation process.

What is asbestos?
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was extensively mined in Canada. There are six forms of asbestos minerals, all of which have similar properties and health dangers. All forms of asbestos are resistant to heat, fire, chemical, and biological breakdown. Asbestos does not dissolve in water or evaporate. These properties mean that asbestos fibres do not burn, react with most chemicals, or break down significantly in the environment.

Asbestos exposure is Canada’s leading cause of occupational deaths and has been for many years. Asbestos fibres are carcinogenic, which can lead to mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis (lung scarring). Some asbestos-containing materials are much more friable (easily made airborne) than others and pose a significantly higher danger.
For further information check out the link to Wikipedia page for asbestos below.

How do I know if my home has asbestos?
It can be difficult to identify asbestos-containing materials. Getting your home properly inspected is the first step in determining whether or not your home contains asbestos. Older built homes have a much higher chance of containing asbestos, so this is a step that should not be left unchecked.

Current regulations require that all homes built before 1991 need to be tested for asbestos. Getting your home properly inspected is the only way to know exactly where all asbestos-containing materials are present. Older built homes have a much higher chance of containing asbestos, so this is a step that cannot not be left unchecked.
Where is asbestos found in the home?
On Vancouver Island, common asbestos-containing materials in homes are often found in:

Drywall Joint compound (drywall mud)
Sheet vinyl flooring
Vermiculite insulation
Pipe wrap insulation (Also referred to as asbestos duct tape)
Vinyl Composite Tile (vinyl floor tiles)
Contact us
The asbestos removal
and remediation process
Asbestos Containment
Air Monitoring
and HEPA Air Scrubbers
NOP (Notice of Project)
Clearance Letter
How much does it cost to remove asbestos?
Harbour Hazmat offers free estimates to safely remove asbestos from your home. The estimate is based on the types of materials that need to be removed, the overall size of the project, and additional measures like air purification monitors and scrubbers. Our asbestos abatement process ensures this harmful substance is removed from your residence following proper safety procedures.

Harbour Hazmat
For further information call Harbour Hazmat for a free consultation.

Harbour Hazmat
For further information call Harbour Hazmat for a free consultation.